
Lynn Hardin

My Struggle and Triumph with Retirement

Published 3 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Hey Reader πŸ‘‹,

Here is my REAL retirement story!


One year into being the principal of an elementary school during the COVID pandemic 😷, I began to lose my physical, mental 🧠, and spiritual health.

If not for the wisdom of a healthcare professional 🩺, I would have hung in, keeping this job until it killed me.

I reluctantly retired πŸ˜”.


The Transition

The transition into retirement felt like swapping a school bell πŸ”” for a silent alarm 🚨 that somehow still got me up at the crack of dawn πŸŒ… with never enough time ⏳ in the day to do what I wanted.

The grand plans stayed: transforming the world of education 🌍 from my home 🏑, one consultancy gig at a time, and volunteering enough to practically earn a second career.


The Reality Check

But reality hit like a poorly aimed dodgeball πŸ€Ύβ€β™‚οΈ.

The identity of 'Principal Hardin,' a cape πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ I wore for decades, didn't just hang in the closet; it seemed to shadow my every move, whispering, "Shouldn't you be doing something monumental?"



I realized I was trying to direct the symphony 🎼 of retirement with the baton of my past career. It was time to compose a new melody 🎢.

Embracing mindfulness and gratitude wasn't as much a choice as it was a happy accident 😌.

I swapped the morning alarm ⏰ for the natural light of sunrise 🌞 (though I still woke up with the sun, out of habit). I got off the computer and went outside!

I replaced strategic planning meetings with strategic placements of activities I enjoyed such as pickleball πŸ“.


New Ventures

Taking my grandson πŸ‘¦ to the library πŸ“š became less about literacy lessons and more about dramatic story renditions that left him in awe and myself in stitches πŸ˜‚.

Painting 🎨 brought unexpected joy, mainly because it was not an escape from stress or to be the best. It was a humbling moment that reminded me of the beauty in learning new skills, no matter the outcome.

My garden 🌺, once a dreaded project, became a realm of endless possibilitiesβ€”where flowers competed with weeds for world domination, and I found peace in the chaos of nature πŸƒ.


The Lesson

The best way to have a richer, more fulfilling retirement is to let go of professional identities and expectations.

It wasn't about abandoning my passion for education but about redefining what that passion looked like in this new chapter.

It was less about filling the shoes of 'Principal Lynn Hardin' and more about stepping barefoot onto the path of my new life, embracing the mud, mess, and moments 🦢.

My story, now filled with laughter πŸ˜†, occasional mishaps, and a lot of 'unprofessional' fun πŸŽ‰, is a testament to the unexpected beauty of retirement.


It's a reminder that sometimes, the best way to cultivate a new chapter is:

  • take various actions or make choices without overly rigid expectations about the outcomes
  • try new things, initiate projects, or make small changes in one's life
  • let go of the past and opening oneself up to a new future πŸš€


Reply to this email if you would like to learn more about how I created a rich life after retiring or you can share your story! I personally answer each email and will respond.


All my best,

Lynn Hardin

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