
Lynn Hardin

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Embracing Your Second Act: Rediscovering Yourself Beyond Your Career ✨

Hey Reader 👋, Transitioning into life beyond a career can be a profound journey. It's a time when you might find yourself pondering, "Who am I without my professional identity?" and "What's next for me?" I've been there - at a crossroads, wondering how to redefine my sense of purpose and direction. It's a journey that's both challenging and incredibly rewarding. Every day, through my Facebook and Instagram posts, I offer guidance, inspiration, and a sense of community for women like us who...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader 👋 Greetings! Are you sitting comfortably? Good, because I'm about to take you on a wild ride through the slightly bonkers world of metamorphosis. Yes, it's time to talk about the glorious transformation from the caterpillar of your past to the butterfly of your fabulous future while in your second act. First off, let's address the caterpillar in the room. Metamorphosis is not a walk in the park. It's more like a hike through a jungle with a backpack full of emotional baggage. It's...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader 👋, I'm excited to tell you that our "Discover Your Next Chapter" coaching program is now open! If you're unsure about your life after work and asking yourself "what's next?" this is for you. I know how hard it can be to find out who you are and where to go after big changes in life or work. That's why I've put together a special six-week coaching program to help you get back to feeling like yourself and figure out your next steps. In six weeks, we'll explore what you love, what...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader 👋, Many of us have spent years, if not decades, building and nurturing our careers. These endeavors have not only shaped the world around us but have also deeply influenced our personal identities and sense of purpose. The Core Fear: Loss of Identity and Purpose 🕵️♀️ One of the most profound challenges in retirement is navigating the sense of loss that can come from stepping away from a career that has provided so much more than just a livelihood. Three Beliefs That May Hinder Our...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader 👋, Many of us have spent years, if not decades, building and nurturing our careers. These endeavors have not only shaped the world around us but have also deeply influenced our personal identities and sense of purpose. The Core Fear: Loss of Identity and Purpose 🕵️♀️ One of the most profound challenges in retirement is navigating the sense of loss that can come from stepping away from a career that has provided so much more than just a livelihood. Three Beliefs That May Hinder Our...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader 👋, Here is my REAL retirement story! One year into being the principal of an elementary school during the COVID pandemic 😷, I began to lose my physical, mental 🧠, and spiritual health. If not for the wisdom of a healthcare professional 🩺, I would have hung in, keeping this job until it killed me. I reluctantly retired 😔. The Transition The transition into retirement felt like swapping a school bell 🔔 for a silent alarm 🚨 that somehow still got me up at the crack of dawn 🌅 with...

3 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader 👋, So there I was, minding my own business at this event sitting next to a woman. Picture this: a woman who looked like she stepped straight out of a fashion magazine for the "Flawlessly Retired.” Yet, amidst all this perfection, she seemed withdrawn and quiet. I didn't want to intrude, but curiosity got the better of me. I introduced myself with all the and asked, "Hi, I'm Lynn. What's your name, and what brings you here?" She looked up, a bit surprised, and said, "I'm Donna....

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, It is the first day of school and you may be hoping the year or day will go well. You may be asking yourself, "will the new parents, staff members, or students like me?" No worries as I have put together some new thoughts to support you. Save these growth mindset reflections somewhere accessible, perhaps in the notes on your phone: I have the power to determine my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I trust that no matter what arises, I have the strength and wisdom to address it....

9 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, It is the first day of school and you may be hoping the year or day will go well. You may be asking yourself, "will the new parents, staff members, or students like me?" No worries as I have put together some new thoughts to support you. Save these growth mindset reflections somewhere accessible, perhaps in the notes on your phone: I have the power to determine my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I trust that no matter what arises, I have the strength and wisdom to address it....

9 months ago • 1 min read

"Hey there, fabulous school leaders! Today's episode is going to be a game-changer, I promise. We're delving into the awe-inspiring world of self-talk and equipping you with some incredibly practical techniques to overcome those pesky negative thoughts that tend to sneak in when we least expect them. As we bid farewell to the summer break and open our schools for a brand-new academic year, it's the perfect time to embrace a more positive and empowering mindset. Believe me, I get it. We face...

10 months ago • 1 min read
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