
Lynn Hardin

The Hilarious Tale of Donna's Retirement 🎉 (And How We're Both Dodging the Professional Couch Potato Career 🛋️)

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader 👋,

So there I was, minding my own business at this event sitting next to a woman.

Picture this: a woman who looked like she stepped straight out of a fashion magazine for the "Flawlessly Retired.” Yet, amidst all this perfection, she seemed withdrawn and quiet.

I didn't want to intrude, but curiosity got the better of me. I introduced myself with all the and asked, "Hi, I'm Lynn. What's your name, and what brings you here?"

She looked up, a bit surprised, and said, "I'm Donna. Recently retired and here with my sister."

"Oh, retirement! How's that treating you?" I asked, expecting tales of adventure or at least some high-quality bragging.

"It's OK," she sighed, "but it's not what I thought it would be."

Intrigued, I prodded further, and out poured Donna's story - a mix of anticipation turned anticlimax.

She'd been looking forward to retirement like a kid counts down to Christmas 🎄, dreaming of the day she could ditch the high-stress job for good.

Yet, a few months in and she felt more lost than a hedgehog in a balloon factory 🎈.

She was living the same day over and over, the highlight being choosing which robe to lounge in while binge-watching Netflix 🍿.

I smiled, not because it was funny, but because it was painfully relatable.

I shared my own story, how I too had visions of retirement glory, only to find myself floundering, my identity as entangled with my job as spaghetti on a fork 🍝.

Together, we embarked on a quest, not for the Holy Grail, but for something far more elusive: a fulfilling retirement.

Here's the roadmap we cooked up:

1. Embracing the "New Me" Haircut ✂️: Just as we'd eventually let go of those hairstyles that seemed like a good idea at the time, we decided it was time to let go of our past careers.

They had shaped us, sure, but were they as essential as we thought?

Or just as regrettable as that mullet from the '80s?

2. Avoiding Becoming the Help Desk for Our Pets 🐾: Realizing our pets were beginning to see us as their personal assistants, we knew it was time to rediscover our interests.

Whether it was underwater basket weaving or competitive spoon collecting, we were on a mission to find hobbies that didn't involve serving our furry overlords.

3. Designing a Retirement Life That's 3D and HD 🎨: We sat down, armed with pens, paper, and a wild imagination, to sketch out our retirement dreams.

Sure, becoming international spies might be off the table, but what about salsa dancing 💃 or finally writing that novel about ninja penguins 🐧?

So, Donna and I made a pact right there and then - to turn our retirement into something worth writing about.

Not as cautionary tales of what not to do, but as epic adventures that might even make our younger selves a tad jealous 😏.

Yours in retirement shenanigans,

Lynn Hardin

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